My mom needs help and does not like to ask for it. I hope that healing comes for my mom.
I found out that after owning a Hammered Dulcimer for almost 4 years that I can learn to play it and I can learn to play it well. I also spoke a lot at my Church, in small parts and small skits. I also performed Greensleeves (What Child Is This) and Silent Night for Christmas eve service and actually did them well on the Hammered Dulcimer. I have learned a lot about my wife and myself. I also learned that I may have a future in Ministry. Possibly speaking and/or musically. I also took my advanced Lay Speaking class, so I can be certified as a Lay Speaker in the Methodist church system.
I am glad to see my wife growing and healing each day and each week. I continue to grow and flourish. And I hope and pray that the new year finds you growing and changing each day and each week. My son is being taught by my wife @ home and he is doing a wonderful job learning, so is my wife. She learns something new about herself often. Which lead me to learn something new about her and myself.
I am going to try and become a Pastor in the Methodist church system. I really want to do what GOD wants me to do.
Well I think that is enough chatter, since no one reads this blog anyway, except my wife. Love you Honey!
Happy New Year Everyone!