Sketch of My Blog

Our Journey in Life is more than we allow it to be.
We must all Be Ourselves to really enjoy what's all around us.
Take hold and learn from Life and Others.

I Follow the Way of Jesus.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Year End Review !

Well 2009 is almost over and I have found out a lot of things this year.

My mom needs help and does not like to ask for it.  I hope that healing comes for my mom.

I found out that after owning a Hammered Dulcimer for almost 4 years that I can learn to play it and I can learn to play it well.  I also spoke a lot at my Church, in small parts and small skits.  I also performed Greensleeves (What Child Is This) and Silent Night for Christmas eve service and actually did them well on the Hammered Dulcimer.  I have learned a lot about my wife and myself.  I also learned that I may have a future in Ministry.  Possibly speaking and/or musically.  I also took my advanced Lay Speaking class, so I can be certified as a Lay Speaker in the Methodist church system.

I am glad to see my wife growing and healing each day and each week.  I continue to grow and flourish.  And  I  hope and pray that the new year finds you growing and changing each day and each week.  My son is being taught by my wife @ home and he is doing a wonderful job learning, so is my wife.  She learns something new about herself often.  Which lead me to learn something new about her and myself.

I am going to try and become a Pastor in the Methodist church system.  I really want to do what GOD wants me to do.

Well I think that is enough chatter, since no one reads this blog anyway, except my wife.  Love you Honey!

Happy New Year Everyone!