Last thing I remember was crawling up inside this big thing that was warm. I found some nice pockets to stay in and nestled down to sleep. It has been getting cold outside and since I have been living in this structure for awhile I found a nice warm thing to stay in. It seems like a smaller structure then this other one. Much warmer at least for the past couple of weeks. The warmth only lasts until the middle of the night. Sometimes I move out around that time and find a much warmer location.
Last night I found a really warm spot and didn't wake up until I heard this load roar. It scared me so bad I couldn't move. So then I got stuck because this thing started moving and it took me for a long trip. I couldn't take the cold air that was flowing by me for the first little while. Then I had plenty of heat after that. When things finally started to slow down, I found a small hole that was letting some of the air into a different area. I check it out and found it went to an area that had more light.
Being curious, I climbed through and found carpet. I can't remember the last time I was on a carpet. It was warm too. Then I heard some strange noises and found out what it was when I came further into the light. There was a human being. He looked a little surprised as was I. I scurried away, but he chased me all over the place. Up one thing that looked like a chair and around and under everything else. I could not find a way out or away from him.
He finally caught me. I decided to play it safe and not fight. The next thing I knew he was petting me. I think he wanted me to calm down. I was hoping to be let go, so I calmed down. Then he talked to me softly and put me in a pocket of his jacket. I didn't know what was going to happen now. But I found out soon enough. He took me into a big building and put me in a box and fed me. This was some nice human being. He even gave me a name, Bril. I never had a name like that before. My family used to call me stone. I think it was my color. Bril is a nice name, too. So now I am stuck in a box in a very well lit room in a big building. At least he let me see out of his pocket.
I hope you are a clean little mouse and dont get the man I love sick.