Sketch of My Blog

Our Journey in Life is more than we allow it to be.
We must all Be Ourselves to really enjoy what's all around us.
Take hold and learn from Life and Others.

I Follow the Way of Jesus.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Simplefy life.

We make life too complicated.  How simple it is to post a image blog on  Awesomely easy.  I want to see how easy it is to post here now.  A picture or so with some words and who knows.

Sometimes I miss blogging, but since I can't do it at work anymore (it is blocked, ridiculous) and I really don't have the time, maybe I will do this again on occasion.

We will see.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Qotd: C.S. Lewis

If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.  - C. S. Lewis

Saturday, May 21, 2011


I am moving.  Not the blog, but physically.  There is a lot that goes into moving and I am not really looking forward to any of it.  I am looking forward to being unpacked in the end and working on just getting used to the new place.  I am looking forward to a shorter drive to work.  I am looking forward to just being in the new place.  But I am not looking forward to packing.  Setting up service for electric and gas.  Phone cost too much, so we are going to stick with our cell phones.  I don't like moving, but afterward, that I like.  So for all those moving.  I sympathize.  And those that aren't moving.  Please sympathize with us.


Monday, May 2, 2011

How is your spelling?

I was in a bathroom recently.  I don't always pay attention, but this caught my eye.  Seriously, how bad could it be to have the directions on the paper toilet seat covers spelled correctly.

Excuse the quality, my cell phone is not the greatest.  It should read "FIRST PULL UP   THEN PULL DOWN".  This is funny in its own right.  Have a good Monday!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Chittenango Falls

Just wanted to share these photos with you.  They are from a small falls at the bigger Chittenango Falls.  Our family likes to go there once a year at the very least.  Enjoy.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Life, Dreams and Goals

A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.  - Albert Einstein

"To accomplish great things, we must
not only act, but also dream, not
only plan, but also believe."
- Anatole France

Recently my family has taken the time to make some goals.  To setup some dreams for our life.  They are not too ambitious, but considering the economy they are ones that we need to have some patience with.  If my job situation changes then that will make a big difference in making these goals come closer to being reality.  In the mean time I have some goals or dreams that I hope to work toward.

I want to become a better Hammer Dulcimer player so that I can play for others enjoyment and possibly to make a small amount of money on the side.  I also repair computers on the side.  That makes me a little bit of money, but that is few and far between.  I am not expecting to become a pro Dulcimer player and do that for a living.  I wouldn't even know where to begin for that.  I just want to be better at playing so I can play for others and have them enjoy the music.  Sometimes I want to open a computer repair and sales shop too.  I don't have the time or the money to do that either.  Most important to me is to have a place of our own.  A place that my wife and son can call our very own.

I think it is very important that people have dreams, goals, wants.  It makes for an interesting life.  It makes for a life that is not boring, hum drum, stagnant.  Everyone needs to have something to shoot for.  A target that they can reach for.  Not something outside their grasp, but within their reach.  Something that makes them grow, stretch, make a mistake or two and in the end achieve something they did not realize was possible.  So I think the two quotes I put at the beginning are rather appropriate.

To all you out there just living and getting by, Get up and Try something.  Figure out something you want, don't hurry, just sit back and see what you can figure out, but figure something out and go for it.  While playing the Dulcimer I find some things don't work and I keep trying until I find something that does work.  Life is full of trial and error, don't give up or give in.  Keep trying and keep moving forward.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


"The secret of getting started is breaking
your complex, overwhelming tasks into
small manageable tasks, and then
starting on the first one."
- Mark Twain

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

An Attached Fuel Hose

An Attached Fuel Hose

This really spoke to me. It reminded me that things of this world are nothing. They are worthless compared to belonging to God and being His child. I know I have a long way to go to be untangled from this world and what it offers and how it is, but I am trying. Each day I try a little and each day that does more for me than others things. But each day I have to keep trying to be free from this world and more focused on God's will and I still don't always follow through.

I also like Psalms 34.


QotD: A new Quote that I like.

"I long to accomplish a great and noble
task, but it is my chief duty to
accomplish small tasks as if
they were great and noble."
- Helen Keller

I really like this.  It really speaks to me about life and just being good at what we do no matter what.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Pi or Tau

So since today is March 14th, 2011.  3/14 also known as Pi day.  You know 3.14.  Which to you agree with Pi day or Tau day which is 6/28.  2Pi.  Here is a little article on CNN about it.

Let me know what you think.

I think we have room for both in this world.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Male and Female

Genesis 1:27 So God created human beings in his own image.
                     In the image of God he created them;
                     male and female he created them.

Think about this question for a minute: Who are you?

You don' t need to continue reading until you are ready. There is no hurry.

What I know about that question and its answer is vague and cloudy. I can list all sorts of things, all sorts of actions, descriptions, all sorts of pieces that equate to me. All evidence that says who I am. But none of it accurately describes me. I am most importantly a child of God. That outranks every other earthly description. I am also male and in my late thirties. Married to a wonderful woman and we have a wonderful son. Still I am a child of God and that outranks every other title that life has for me. I am a husband, computer fixer, musician, father, son, lay speaker, etc. The list can go on and on. Still it does not say who I am. I am a child of God. Created in HIS image. Not in image to an anyone else. Yes I look somewhat like my father and a bit like my mother. That is DNA and it happens.

What you can't see at first glance, but everyone should know is that I am a Child of GOD. Each one of us is. Made in the the image of GOD. So my being male does not mean that I am a warrior, or that I am a hunter, or a killer or any of the characteristics that depict most males. But I am a male. I look like a male, have the parts of a male and act like a male. God made me a male. But I do not exhibit any of the social norms of being a male and being masculine or musculine. I don't have urges to kill, hunt, and attack. I do enjoy fishing sometimes. I am someone who is a normal male. On the other hand I am not feminine either.

I am what God made me. I am happy doing what I do and being who I am. I want you know that being myself is more important than being what society thinks we need to be or act or things we are supposed to do as males and females. It is the way God made us. And when I say us I mean all of the human race. We are all created in God's image. God does not make junk. God made people. God is perfect.

I believe that people are meant to be themselves. Not to follow norms of society and act to what others expect. I believe we are all made in God's image, male and female. Not one better than the other. Each with equal rights, regardless of skin color or gender. We all belong to the human race and God made us to be who we are. I am what God made me and I want to be the best that God made. I want to do the best that I can and being what God wants me to be. I don't believe we need to be anything more than ourselves and to be the best we can be at that.

I don't want to try and fit into any mold that the world has defined as being male. I want to be just who I am and what God has made me. I am God's creation not what other people think I should be. God created us male and female in HIS image. Not masculine or feminine. Just male and female.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


This recent post from a blog that I follow got me to thinking.  First I want to share this with you and then I will further compose my thoughts and put down what exactly this has caused me to think.  Anyway, I believe he has a very good point.  It makes me think about what people are supposed to be and how they are supposed to act and what they are supposed to do.  So give me some time to get my thoughts in order and I will post further.  This area interests me.

In the mean time read what he has to say in part 1 of his post:

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

QotD: Some More

Two wrongs don't make a right, but they make a good excuse.
  - Thomas Szasz
You can't find any true closeness in Hollywood, because everybody does the fake closeness so well.
  - Carrie Fisher
It is not necessary to understand things in order to argue about them.
  - Pierre Beaumarchais

Monday, February 14, 2011

QotD: Happy Valentines Day!

God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.  -  C.S. Lewis 

Happy Valentines Day to Everyone especially My Wife!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Egypt is Free

Click on the link to read the whole story from NPR.  But Hosni Mubarak has stepped down.

They now have the long job of creating their own Democracy.  Congratulations Egypt!  Enjoy your Freedom!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Birthday Journey's

Events Today
1743 - Comet C/1743 C1 approaches within 0.0390 AUs of Earth
1944 - U-762 sunk off Ireland
1973 - Senate names 7 members to investigate Watergate scandal
1984 - Soyuz T-10 launches with crew of 3 to Salyut 7
1988 - NASA launches DOD-2
1992 - "I'm Too Sexy" by Right Said Fred peaks at #1
1992 - Ulysses spacecraft passes Jupiter
2002 - XIX Winter Olympics opens in Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
2005 - Israel and Palestinians agree to cease-fire.

Birthdays Today
1828 - Jules Verne, France, pioneered sci-fi (From the Earth to the Moon)
1932 - John Towner Williams, Flushing NY, composer/conductor (Boston Pops)
1940 - Ted Koppel, Lancashire England, American journalist (ABC Nightline)
1953 - Mary Steenburgen, Newport Ark, actress
1972 - Ted Yoder, muscian

I was looking at company in which I am in regards to this day in history.  I was directed by my wife over to and found out some interesting things about my Birthday.  Some are listed above, the list was too long to post the whole thing.  It is interesting that in '73 Watergate was happening.  So I am 38 today.  That makes me 2 years close to 40 (no big deal) and almost 4 decades old.  I think that our journey's through life are very interesting ones.  I for one am happy and content and glad of mine.  I have a wonderful family.  I have a good job and I am trying to work towards what God wants of me.  Which for the most part I do not know what that is.  But I am trying to figure that out and make it a reality.  So some interesting things happen each day of our  life.  Some are associated with our Birthday and the rest are associated with everyone else's Birthday.

So today we had a snow fall that made driving difficult.  I did not sleep well due to too much heat and overtired.  And to top it all off I have to go to work.  Which is okay, since I am very happy to have a job and one I enjoy.  Also I have lost over 50 pounds in the last year by watching what I eat and keeping active.  I can only have a great Birthday today.  And I am having a Great Birthday.  Every day I am alive is a great day, no matter what comes my way.

So Happy Birthday to Everyone who is having a Birthday.  Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday and all through the year.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Life is Precious!

Life Is a Civil Right - By Rick Santorum - The Corner - National Review Online

I had to re-post this it is so correct, well said and to the point. Life is PRECIOUS.! End of story. No more to be said.

Thanks Rick Santorum for saying it this way.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Quote for the Day: Success or Value

Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.  -Einstein 

Monday, January 24, 2011

Journey in Life

My Journey through life takes me on many different turns.  Yesterday I did the service at our Church again.  I needed to, to cover for one of our other Lay Speakers who was not feeling very well.  I also did it because I thought it was the right thing to do.  She was trying to get next week's speaker to cover, but I figured that I could just take it over for her.  I sometimes wonder where God is leading my life and even now I wonder that.  Sometimes I thought I would be come a preacher like a relative or two (my mom being one), but other times I am not so sure.  Right now I am in the middle of making a go at a small business of fixing computers for people on the side.  Also digitizing their photos to CD and making DVD's of their VHS tapes.  I sometimes have direction and sometimes don't, and other times I just get by as best I can doing what I think is right.  So my journey takes many twists and turns and I hope that yours does too.  It definitely makes life interesting.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Living Not Surving

Living Not Surviving
Do you want free food and drink? Who doesn't? I know I want free food and drink. Now the question is do you want free food and drink of the physical kind or of the spiritual kind? Why? It makes a big difference because spiritual food and drink is the kind that everyone needs no matter what. We may think we only need physical food and drink, but that is only surviving, not living. We need to find the food that gives strength, we need to find the food that does good for us, we want to enjoy the finest food. So why do we need this? Because we need to do more than survive, we need to live. But do you know where you can find this food? I know where it is, because I've eaten of it. I've enjoyed this food and I want you to know about it too. I may not have the info on the best physical food in the world, but I do know where you can find the best food for the spiritual body. Lets read from Isaiah 55:1-2
1 “Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink— even if you have no money! Come, take your choice of wine or milk— it’s all free! 2 Why spend your money on food that does not give you strength? Why pay for food that does you no good? Listen to me, and you will eat what is good. You will enjoy the finest food.” God is talking about His word, here. His word is the food and drink that will take care of us, that strengthens and supplies. It does good for us and is the finest ever prepared. God's word, the Bible does for us what regular food and drink can not. It nourishes in a way that is eternal, not temporal. Do we need it daily? Yes. Do we get it daily? No. What we do get daily is; time, food, air, drink, know life. What we don't get daily is the nourishment that God provides. I am not preaching like one who has it all together. I don't have it all together. Not every day do I get my nourishment from God. Nor do I seek it out each and every day. I too, get busy and I'm not as diligent at seeking my heavenly meal. I read a daily devotional each day, but that is like having a snack. It's not like getting the whole meal that leaves you full and satisfied. It can be like junk food, or a simple snack. It may fill you momentarily, but it does not fill you long term. I want to be filled long term. I want a meal that lasts for hours, not a snack that lasts a few minutes. This area of life is so important that Jesus spoke of it about a dozen different times and in multiple ways. Here is a really good example where Jesus is talking to the woman at the well.
John 4:13-14 (NLT) 13 Jesus replied, “Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again. 14 But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.”
He is talking about the living Word of God. Jesus is that nourishment. Don't you want to have a fresh, bubbling spring within, giving eternal life? I do. I want to spread that eternal life to others. God wants so much for us. He wants us to be this fresh, bubbling spring. He wants us to have eternal life. All because He loves us. Do you know what one of my favorite verses says about what God wants for us? Here it is:
Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT) 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.
God was talking to the captives who were in Babylon. This is valid for us and all generations too. God had plans for us that include good, a future and hope, not disaster. God gives good things and is always providing for us. God would have held His son back from the Cross if He wanted to leave us the way we were going. God gave the greatest gift in the history of the world. He gave us His son so we would have eternal life. He provided a way for us to come to Him. God had planned our salvation from the beginning. God is always giving to us. All throughout the Bible He is talking about what He wants to give His people. Always speaking about taking care of them. Always showing ways that He loves His people. I want what God is offering. God is offering a life like no other. He wants to provide for us. He is providing for us. God is always stretching out His hand to us.
So God is providing for us, what we need, and has given us His word to bring nourishment to our spiritual bodies, our souls. If we want God's provisions, then why do we consistently seek to ignore God's word? Because we don't want a side order of truth. We want to be bubbling springs, but we don't want the truth that goes with it. Why? Because the truth is, we need God in our lives. We only survive when we try to skip the truth. We can learn to live if we accept the truth. The truth is we need God and God wants to be a part of our lives. The truth of life is that we need Jesus, God's Son as our Savior, we need the Holy Spirit to guide us and we need God to be our Father. So to live life we need truth, you know that important side salad. Just like salad is good for the body, truth is good for the soul. God's word is the truth and it nourishes like nothing else can. We can go through life without the salad, but we lose the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Just like going through life without the truth, we lose the benefits of a healthy lifestyle for our soul. WE NEED THIS! Just like making right choices about what to eat, we need to make right choices about what we put into our soul. What we see, read, watch, listen to. It can corrupt the soul and ends up coming out in our actions, words and thoughts. We want to fill ourselves with the truth. So we need to let God into our lives. Otherwise what good is life, when we only survive? So what do you want? Do you want to live or do you just want to survive?
Now here is something that God informs us will help us live life not survive life. Read the Bible! More than once a week, that is. Don't just snack on it from small devotionals. Here is what God has to say: Deuteronomy 17:18-20 (NLT)
18 “When he sits on the throne as king, he must copy for himself this body of instruction on a scroll in the presence of the Levitical priests. 19 He must always keep that copy with him and read it daily as long as he lives. That way he will learn to fear the Lord his God by obeying all the terms of these instructions and decrees. 20 This regular reading will prevent him from becoming proud and acting as if he is above his fellow citizens. It will also prevent him from turning away from these commands in the smallest way. And it will ensure that he and his descendants will reign for many generations in Israel.”
That same instruction applies to us today. We are not Kings, but we have been given the Bible and it is our copy of instructions and commands that will do the same for us. God's word says to “read it daily as long as he lives” so as to learn to fear the Lord God by obeying all the instructions and decrees. Do you see what that regular reading will do for us. It will prevent us from being proud and acting above others. It keeps our hearts turned toward God.
Do you know what happens when you face the sun? You feel warm. You get tan. People notice that you have been outside by your outlook and your skin. There is an outward appearance that shows that you have been out in the sun. Some people even smile more. Imagine that. So it goes with God's word. If you spend more time in God's word, learning and listening to what He has to say then you too will show a different appearance. You may smile more. But more importantly others will notice that you are different. That you are spending more time in something that has made a change in your outward appearance. If you spend your time wisely and in God's word then you will notice a change and so will others.
So do you want free food and drink, the finest ever found? Then remember to get your daily nourishment, both physical and spiritual. Read the Bible daily and take time with God. You will enjoy the finest free food and drink you have ever found. You will be filled and others will notice a change in your life, too. You will open yourself up to God and that will help you Live life not just Survive it.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bread Recipe's

Guinness Bread after being cool for one hour.
My wife and I have been reading some books by Patrick Taylor.  Great author and great writer.  The first book is "An Irish Country Doctor" the second is "An Irish Country Village" at the end of the first book was a recipe for Wheaton Bread.  I made it and it was gone within the week.  So I told the author that we enjoyed it and he sent me a recipe for Guiness Bread that is almost gone and I just made it Saturday.  I asked the author and he said I could post them.  So here they are with credit given to Mrs. Kincaid and Kate Taylor.  Thank you for the wonderful recipes.



2 ½ cups whole wheat flour
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 ¾ cups buttermilk

Mix dry ingredients very thoroughly.  Then add 1 ¾ cups of buttermilk to make a thick paste – not too dry.  Turn it into a well greased loaf tin.  Bake at once a 400ºF for 15 minutes until risen; then bake a further 45 minutes at 400ºF.  It top gets too brown, cover with parchment paper.

(we left the sunflower seeds out of the Guinness Bread.  It was great.  We are not sunflower seeds in bread type of people.)


280 g / 10 oz Plain flour
280 g / 10 oz Whole wheat flour
170 g /Oats
50 g / 2 oz Sunflower seeds
4 tbl brown sugar
3 teaspoons salt
2 tbl cooking oil
2 tbl treacle or molasses
1 can Guinness
300ml /8oz / 1 cup approx. milk
3 teaspoons baking soda dissolved in the milk

First prepare the baking tins by greasing them well and lining with greaseproof parchment. Turn on the oven to 200C/400F. Mix all the dry ingredients in a large bowl, make a well in the centre and add the Guinness followed by the oil, treacle and lastly the milk. You add the milk last because sometimes you may need to add more or less depending on the brand of flour used or even the weather conditions. However what you are aiming for is a nice soft dropping consistency. Divide the mixture between 2 loaf tins (I use a large 2lb and a smaller 1lb size for this quantity of mixture and as it freezes well I always have one for an emergency.) Bake in the oven at 200C/400F for 10 mins then turn the oven down to 180C/350F and bake for a further 35 to 45 mins.

Source:  Kate Taylor Home Recipe

Monday, January 10, 2011

Parfait, Yum!

This weekend I found in the fridge left over homemade vanilla pudding that I had made for a Banana Cream pie. This pie my family really enjoys.  I think the reason is that I brown the sliced banana in brown sugar and butter with a pinch of salt.  I layer those on the bottom of a store bought graham cracker crust and then pour the pudding on top.  It is soooo good.  Well anyways, last time I made it we used individual (mini) graham cracker pie crusts and I had quite a bit of left over.  So I decided yesterday to crumble up about 6 Nilla wafers and 2 or 3 graham crackers, slice up some bananas and make parfait.  We also layered in some cool whip and topped it all off with some crumble and some split pizzelles that my mom had made a week or so ago.  Here is the photo.  It was sooo good.  I just wish I had browned the bananas this time.

I got to use the food scene setting on my new camera, it came out good I think.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


I like to read and I like to imagine things, stories if you will.  I also like to write.  I just have a hard time writing all that I want to say and all that I need to say.  Sometimes I even have just a hard time putting down on paper, or the screen what it is that I want to say.  I enjoy writing, but sometimes just can't seem to continue with the writing enough to get any place with it.  So I am hoping that someone will notice this and have a suggestion or two.  In the mean time, this is something I plan on doing this year.

Being more creative is the long hall, the short summary of my strive for 2011.  That encompasses so much.  It includes practicing more on Hammered Dulcimer, Writing more, Drawing more, Creating more of anything.  So there is a simple goal for 2011.  I hope to follow through with it and will just see where life leads.

Later all.  Enjoy the New Year.  Amen.

Happy New Year once again.