Sketch of My Blog

Our Journey in Life is more than we allow it to be.
We must all Be Ourselves to really enjoy what's all around us.
Take hold and learn from Life and Others.

I Follow the Way of Jesus.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Training class

A light snow far.
I am sitting in a training session that is from 9-3 today.  We are just on break and I ate my lunch and came back early.  It was a short lunch.  It has been snowing here for about 2 hours and here is a little picture outside the window of our room.  I would rather be home.  Monday's are so difficult.  I enjoy the weekend with my family and then have to go back into work on Monday.  No fun.  But at least I get to spend time with my family each night and every weekend.  I feel sad for people that don't have that opportunity.  I value my family and the time I get to spend with them.